Read the excerpt from Hammurabi’s Code.

“If a man has knocked out the eye of a patrician [aristocrat], his eye shall be knocked out. . . If he has knocked out the eye of a plebeian [commoner] . . . he shall pay one mina of silver. If he has knocked out the eye of a patrician’s servant . . . he shall pay half his value.”

Based on this quote what can we conclude about Hammurabi's Code? 

(1 point)

Every person that broke the law faced the same punishment 
Every person that broke the law faced the same punishment 

There were no laws put in place, people could do as they chose 
There were no laws put in place, people could do as they chose 

The law was not always the same for every citizen, it changed for each individual 
The law was not always the same for every citizen, it changed for each individual 

The laws only affected the king 

The law was not always the same for every citizen, it changed for each individual.

The law was not always the same for every citizen, it changed for each individual.

Based on the excerpt from Hammurabi's Code, we can conclude that the law was not always the same for every citizen - it changed for each individual. This is evident from the different punishments prescribed based on the social status of the victim. If a person knocked out the eye of a patrician (aristocrat), their eye would be knocked out in return. However, if the victim was a plebeian (commoner), the perpetrator would have to pay one mina of silver. Similarly, if the victim was a patrician's servant, the punishment would be to pay half the servant's value. Thus, the punishment varied depending on the social status of the individual affected by the crime, indicating a differentiation in the law based on social hierarchy.