How has Greco-Roman culture influenced modern societies?(1 point)

A It is common for many modern societies to grant citizenship to just landowning men.
B Religion and spirituality plays a large role in the politics of modern societies.
C Democratic, representational systems of government with an emphasis on citizenship spread throughout Europe and beyond.
D Leaders are chosen by a lottery system in many countries around the world so that anyone can be a leader.

C Democratic, representational systems of government with an emphasis on citizenship spread throughout Europe and beyond.

C Democratic, representational systems of government with an emphasis on citizenship spread throughout Europe and beyond.

The correct answer is C. Democratic, representational systems of government with an emphasis on citizenship spread throughout Europe and beyond.

To understand this, let's break down each option and see why the other choices are not the best answers:

A) It is common for many modern societies to grant citizenship to just landowning men.
This answer is inaccurate because modern societies have evolved to grant citizenship to all individuals, regardless of their land ownership. The modern concept of citizenship is not based solely on landownership like in Ancient Greece or Rome.

B) Religion and spirituality plays a large role in the politics of modern societies.
While religion can influence politics in some modern societies, it is not a direct result of Greco-Roman culture. The influence of religion in modern societies has roots in various historical, cultural, and societal factors, not solely Greco-Roman culture.

D) Leaders are chosen by a lottery system in many countries around the world so that anyone can be a leader.
The idea of leaders being chosen by a lottery system is not a direct influence of Greco-Roman culture. While Ancient Athens did have elements of sortition (random selection) in certain aspects of governance, it was not a widespread practice in the ancient world, nor is it a common method for selecting leaders in modern societies.

C) Democratic, representational systems of government with an emphasis on citizenship spread throughout Europe and beyond.
This is the most accurate answer. The Greco-Roman culture heavily influenced the development of democratic systems of government, particularly in Ancient Athens. The concept of citizenship, the idea that individuals have certain rights and responsibilities in a political community, was also a significant aspect of Greco-Roman culture. These democratic and citizenship ideals ultimately spread throughout Europe and influenced the establishment of modern democratic systems in various countries around the world.