Alice is buying a hammer for $20 and a box of nails for $4. She has a coupon for 10% off. After the discount is applied, the sales tax on the purchase amount is 5%. What is the total Alice must pay?





The total amount for the hammer and the nails is $20 + $4 = $<<20+4=24>>24.

The coupon reduces this total amount by 10%, so the discount is $24 * 10% = $<<24*10*.01=2.40>>2.40.
Therefore, Alice must pay $24 - $2.40 = $<<24-2.4=21.60>>21.60 for the hammer and the nails.
The sales tax on the purchase amount is 5%, which is 5% * $21.60 = $<<5*.01*21.6=1.08>>1.08.
Therefore, the total Alice must pay is $21.60 + $1.08 = $<<21.60+1.08=22.68>>22.68, so the answer is C. $22.68. Answer: \boxed{C}.

Let's calculate the total amount Alice must pay step by step.

Step 1: Calculate the total cost before the discount.
The hammer costs $20 and the box of nails costs $4.
So, the total cost before the discount is $20 + $4 = $24.

Step 2: Apply the discount.
Alice has a coupon for 10% off. To calculate the discount amount, we multiply the total cost before the discount by the discount rate.
The discount amount is 10% of $24, which is (10/100) x $24 = $2.4.

Step 3: Calculate the total cost after the discount.
The total cost after the discount is the total cost before the discount minus the discount amount.
So, the total cost after the discount is $24 - $2.4 = $21.6.

Step 4: Calculate the sales tax on the purchase amount.
The sales tax rate is 5%, which is 5/100 = 0.05 in decimal form.
To calculate the sales tax amount, we multiply the total cost after the discount by the sales tax rate.
The sales tax amount is 0.05 x $21.6 = $1.08.

Step 5: Calculate the total amount Alice must pay.
The total amount Alice must pay is the total cost after the discount plus the sales tax amount.
So, the total amount Alice must pay is $21.6 + $1.08 = $22.68.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. $22.68.

To find the total amount Alice must pay, we need to calculate the discounted price of the hammer and nails first, then add the sales tax on the purchase amount.

First, let's calculate the discounted price of the hammer and nails. We know that Alice has a coupon for 10% off, which means she will pay 90% of the original price.

The hammer costs $20, so the discounted price of the hammer is:

$20 * 90% = $18

Next, let's calculate the discounted price of the box of nails. The nails cost $4, so the discounted price of the nails is:

$4 * 90% = $3.60

Now, we need to find the total purchase amount by adding the discounted price of the hammer and nails:

$18 + $3.60 = $21.60

Next, we need to calculate the sales tax on the purchase amount, which is 5% of the total.

The sales tax on the purchase amount is:

$21.60 * 5% = $1.08

Finally, we can find the total amount Alice must pay by adding the purchase amount and the sales tax:

$21.60 + $1.08 = $22.68

Therefore, the correct answer is C. $22.68.