A box of nails weighs 425/8 pounds. If you used 43/16 pounds of nails yesterday and another 61/4 pounds today, how many pounds of nails are left?

323/8 pounds

another wrong answer by the bot!!!

amount left = 425/8 - 43/16 - 61/4
= 850/16 - 43/16 - 244/16
= 563/16 pounds

To find out how many pounds of nails are left, you need to subtract the total weight of nails used from the weight of the full box.

1. Convert the weight of the nails used yesterday and today to the same fractions:
- 43/16 pounds + 61/4 pounds
- To add these fractions, you need to find a common denominator. Since 16 is a multiple of 4, you can convert 61/4 to 61/16:
- 43/16 pounds + 61/16 pounds = (43 + 61)/16 pounds = 104/16 pounds

2. Find the weight of nails leftover by subtracting the weight used from the weight of the full box:
- Weight of full box - Weight used
- 425/8 pounds - 104/16 pounds
- To subtract these fractions, you need to find a common denominator. Since 8 is a multiple of 16, you can convert the weight of the full box to 425/16 pounds:
- 425/16 pounds - 104/16 pounds = (425 - 104)/16 pounds = 321/16 pounds

Therefore, there are 321/16 pounds of nails left.

To find out how many pounds of nails are left, we need to subtract the total weight of nails used from the initial weight of the box.

First, let's calculate the total weight of nails used. Yesterday, you used 43/16 pounds of nails, and today you used an additional 61/4 pounds.

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator:

43/16 + 61/4

Since 16 and 4 have a common multiple of 16, we can convert 61/4 into an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 16 by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 4:

61/4 = (61 × 4) / (4 × 4) = 244/16

Now that we have both fractions with a common denominator, we can add them:

43/16 + 244/16 = (43 + 244) / 16 = 287/16

So, the total weight of nails used is 287/16 pounds.

Next, we need to subtract the total weight of nails used from the initial weight of the box. The initial weight of the box is given as 425/8 pounds:

425/8 - 287/16

Again, we need to find a common denominator:

425/8 - 287/16 = (425 × 2) / (8 × 2) - 287/16 = 850/16 - 287/16

Now, we can subtract the fractions:

850/16 - 287/16 = (850 - 287) / 16 = 563/16

The remaining weight of nails is 563/16 pounds.