Which statement best explains what people should do if a shelter-in-pace order is in effect as a result of a natural hazard? (1 point)


People should evacuate the area immediately.
People should evacuate the area immediately.

People should wear personal protective equipment when travelling outside of their homes.
People should wear personal protective equipment when travelling outside of their homes.

People should go to the store and stock up on food and other supplies.
People should go to the store and stock up on food and other supplies.

People should remain inside and close all doors and windows.

People should remain inside and close all doors and windows.

The correct statement that best explains what people should do if a shelter-in-place order is in effect as a result of a natural hazard is: "People should remain inside and close all doors and windows."

Explanation: When a shelter-in-place order is issued, it means that it is safer for people to stay indoors rather than evacuate the area. This is usually done to protect individuals from potential harm or danger, such as during severe weather conditions, chemical spills, or other hazardous situations.
To follow this order, people should stay inside their homes or designated shelter areas, close all doors and windows to minimize exposure from outside elements or potential hazards, and wait for further instructions from local authorities or emergency management agencies. It is important to stay informed through official communication channels, such as local news or emergency alerts, to receive updates and guidance. Remember that sheltering in place is meant to keep you safe and reduce risks during natural hazards or emergencies.

The statement that best explains what people should do if a shelter-in-place order is in effect as a result of a natural hazard is: "People should remain inside and close all doors and windows."