Which statement best explains what people should do if a shelter-in-pace order is in effect as a result of a natural hazard? (1 point)


If your on connects I think the answers is either evacuate the area or remain inside and close all doors and windows.

People should remain inside and close all doors and windows.

If a shelter-in-place order is in effect as a result of a natural hazard, the best statement explaining what people should do is to seek immediate shelter within their homes or a designated safe location. This includes staying indoors, closing all windows and doors, and sealing off any gaps where outside air can enter. It is important to turn off any heating, ventilation, or air conditioning systems to prevent the circulation of potentially contaminated air. People should also gather emergency supplies, such as food, water, medications, and a battery-powered radio, to sustain themselves during the shelter-in-place period.

To get this answer, you can refer to official guidelines or resources provided by local authorities or emergency management agencies. During a shelter-in-place order, it is crucial to follow specific instructions from your local government or emergency response team, as they will have the most accurate and up-to-date information for your area. Checking official websites, social media accounts, or emergency alert systems can provide you with the necessary information to handle a shelter-in-place situation effectively and ensure your safety.