Which is an example of a technological advance made by Stone Age humans?

(1 point)

cooking with fire
cooking with fire

gathering nuts and berries
gathering nuts and berries


raising livestock

cooking with fire

The correct example of a technological advance made by Stone Age humans is cooking with fire.

The technological advance made by Stone Age humans from the provided options is "cooking with fire." To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the characteristics of the Stone Age and consider which option aligns with the technological capabilities of that time.

1. Cooking with fire - This option is a technological advance because it involves harnessing the power of fire for cooking purposes. Fire allowed Stone Age humans to cook their food, which not only made it more palatable but also helped in breaking down tough food materials, making digestion easier. By using fire, they could expand their diet and consume a wider range of food.

2. Gathering nuts and berries - This option is not a technological advance in itself. It is a human behavior associated with foraging and gathering food. While it may have been an essential activity during the Stone Age, it does not represent a technological advancement.

3. Writing - Writing is not a technological advance associated with the Stone Age. Writing systems only emerged much later in human history, around 3,000 BCE during the Bronze Age. Stone Age humans did not have a written language and relied on other forms of communication, such as spoken language or primitive drawings.

4. Raising livestock - The domestication of animals, including the raising of livestock, is another technological advance, but it occurred much later in human history during the Neolithic period, which came after the Stone Age.

Therefore, the correct answer is "cooking with fire" as it aligns with the technological capabilities of Stone Age humans.