Which sentence is the best example of precise language?

A. The storm was very bad on our house
B. Our house had a lot of damage because of the storm
C. The violent thunderstorm left a gaping hole in our attic
D. The weather was bad for our entire neighborhood

C. The violent thunderstorm left a gaping hole in our attic

The best example of precise language is sentence C: The violent thunderstorm left a gaping hole in our attic. This sentence uses specific and descriptive language to convey the exact impact of the storm on the speaker's house.

To determine which sentence is the best example of precise language, let's analyze each option and consider overall clarity and specific details:

A. "The storm was very bad on our house": This sentence is not precise as it uses vague and subjective language, such as "very bad." It lacks specific details and does not provide a clear description of what happened to the house.

B. "Our house had a lot of damage because of the storm": This sentence is better than option A as it specifies that there was damage, but it still lacks specific details. It does not describe the type or extent of damage.

C. "The violent thunderstorm left a gaping hole in our attic": This sentence stands out as the most precise. It uses descriptive language to convey specific details about the storm's impact on the house. It mentions a "violent thunderstorm" and describes a "gaping hole" in the attic, providing clear and vivid imagery.

D. "The weather was bad for our entire neighborhood": This sentence is not as precise as it focuses on the weather's impact on the neighborhood as a whole, rather than specifying the effects on the house. It lacks specific details about the damage or any particular consequences.

Therefore, the best example of precise language among the given options is sentence C: "The violent thunderstorm left a gaping hole in our attic." It offers clear and detailed information about the storm's impact on the house.