Wesley is giving a presentation in his science class and is unsure of how to pronounce the word phylum which resource should he consult

A. An index in his textbook
B. An online thesaurus
C. A glossary in his text book
D. An online dictionary

C. A glossary in his textbook

C. A glossary in his textbook

To find the correct pronunciation of the word "phylum," Wesley should consult option D, an online dictionary.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use an online dictionary to find the pronunciation of a word like "phylum":

1. Open a web browser on a computer, smartphone, or tablet.
2. Type the word "phylum" into the search bar of a search engine (e.g., Google, Bing).
3. In the search results, you will find a list of online dictionaries. Choose a reputable dictionary website or app, such as Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Cambridge Dictionary.
4. Click on the link to the dictionary website. This will take you to the homepage or search page of the dictionary.
5. Once you are on the dictionary website, you can either type the word "phylum" into the search box on the homepage or navigate to the search page.
6. Enter the word "phylum" and click on the search button or press enter.
7. The dictionary will display the entry for "phylum," including its definition, word origin, and, most importantly for Wesley's question, the pronunciation.
8. Look for the pronunciation guide or audio recording of the word. Some dictionaries provide the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) representation of the pronunciation, while others may provide an audio recording that you can listen to.
9. In the case of "phylum," the dictionary will likely include the pronunciation as [fahy-luhm] or a similar representation in IPA.
10. Wesley can listen to the audio recording or read the pronunciation guide to ensure he pronounces "phylum" correctly during his presentation.

By using an online dictionary, Wesley can easily find the correct pronunciation of "phylum" and feel confident in his presentation.

which one?

D. An online dictionary

Bryan is writing a short story and wants to come up with a more interesting word to replace cold. Which is the best resource?

B. An online thesaurus