Which process occurs when two nuclei come together to form one bigger nucleus?

radioactive decay

b. fusion

The correct answer is option B: fusion.

Fusion is the process in which two nuclei come together and combine to form one larger nucleus. This process releases a significant amount of energy. It is the process that powers the sun and other stars, where hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium. On Earth, fusion reactions are being researched as a potential source of clean and abundant energy.

The process that occurs when two nuclei come together to form one bigger nucleus is called fusion. To understand this concept, we need to know some basic principles of nuclear physics.

Fusion is the process of combining two lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy. Fusion is the primary source of energy in stars, including our own Sun.

To arrive at the answer, we can eliminate options a and c.

Option a: Fission is the opposite process, where a heavier nucleus splits into two or more lighter nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy. This process is used in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs.

Option c: Radioactive decay is the process where an unstable nucleus spontaneously decays, emitting radiation and transforming into a different nucleus. This process occurs in radioactive elements to achieve stability.

Therefore, the correct answer is b: fusion.