Which phrase best describes nuclear fusion?(1 point)


the process by which a large nucleus is divided into smaller nuclei
the process by which a large nucleus is divided into smaller nuclei

a series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reaction
a series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reaction

the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus
the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus

the spontaneous emission of radiation from an unstable nucleus

the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus

The correct answer is: the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus.

The correct answer is: the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus.

To find the answer to this question, you can use your knowledge about nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is a process in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus, releasing a significant amount of energy in the process. This process occurs naturally in stars, where the immense pressure and temperature allow for the fusion of hydrogen atoms to form helium.

Looking at the given options, we can eliminate the first two choices as they mention the process of a large nucleus being divided into smaller nuclei, which is actually the opposite of nuclear fusion.

The fourth option mentions "the spontaneous emission of radiation," which is describing radioactive decay, not nuclear fusion. So this can also be eliminated.

Therefore, the correct answer is the third option: "the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus." This best describes nuclear fusion.