Zoe earns $17.00 per hour regular pay. She also earns time and a half overtime pay. Last week, she worked 53 hours. What was her total pay?

Group of answer choices





Zoe's regular pay for 53 hours of work is 53 * $17 = $<<53*17=901>>901.

She worked 53 - 40 = <<53-40=13>>13 hours of overtime.
Her overtime pay is 13 * 1.5 * $17 = $<<13*1.5*17=331.50>>331.50.
Her total pay is $901 + $331.50 = $<<901+331.5=1232.5>>1232.5.
The correct answer is $1,011.50.

To calculate Zoe's total pay, we need to determine how many regular hours and overtime hours she worked.

Since Zoe worked 53 hours in total, we can first subtract the regular hours from that to find the overtime hours.

Since overtime pay is at time and a half, Zoe's overtime pay rate will be 1.5 times her regular pay rate.

Given that Zoe earns $17.00 per hour for regular pay, her overtime pay rate will be $17.00 x 1.5 = $25.50 per hour.

Now let's calculate the regular and overtime pay:

Regular hours: 40 hours (the standard full-time working week)
Overtime hours: 53 - 40 = 13 hours

Regular pay: $17.00 x 40 = $<<17*40=680.00>>680.00
Overtime pay: $25.50 x 13 = $<<25.5*13=331.50>>331.50

Total pay: Regular pay + Overtime pay = $680.00 + $331.50 = $<<680.00+331.50=1011.50>>1,011.50

Therefore, Zoe's total pay for the week was $1,011.50.

To find Zoe's total pay, we need to calculate her regular pay for 40 hours and her overtime pay for the remaining 13 hours.

Zoe's regular pay for 40 hours can be calculated by multiplying her hourly rate ($17) by the number of regular hours (40):
Regular pay = $17/hour * 40 hours = $680.00

Zoe's overtime pay for 13 hours can be calculated by multiplying her overtime hourly rate (time and a half of her regular hourly rate) by the number of overtime hours:
Overtime pay = ($17/hour * 1.5) * 13 hours = $331.50

To find the total pay, we add Zoe's regular and overtime pay:
Total pay = Regular pay + Overtime pay = $680.00 + $331.50 = $1,011.50

Therefore, Zoe's total pay for the week is $1,011.50. Therefore, the correct answer from the given choices is $1,011.50.