Mike earns $10.60 per hour regular pay. He also earns time and a half overtime pay. Last week, he worked 45 hours. (Anything over 40 hours is overtime).

What was his total pay?

Group of answer choices



To calculate Mike's total pay, we need to determine his regular pay and his overtime pay separately.

Regular pay = Regular hourly rate * Regular hours worked
Regular pay = $10.60/hour * 40 hours = $424.00

Overtime pay = Overtime hourly rate * Overtime hours worked
Overtime pay = ($10.60/hour * 1.5) * (45 hours - 40 hours)
Overtime pay = ($10.60/hour * 1.5) * 5 hours
Overtime pay = $15.90/hour * 5 hours = $79.50

Total pay = Regular pay + Overtime pay
Total pay = $424.00 + $79.50 = $503.50

Therefore, Mike's total pay is $503.50.

To calculate Mike's total pay, we need to consider his regular pay and overtime pay separately.

1. Regular Pay:
Mike earns $10.60 per hour for regular pay. Since he worked 45 hours, the first 40 hours will be at his regular pay rate:
Regular Pay = $10.60/hour x 40 hours = $424.00

2. Overtime Pay:
Mike's overtime pay is time and a half his regular pay rate. So, for every overtime hour, he earns 1.5 times his regular pay rate. Since he worked 45 hours (5 of which are overtime hours), we can calculate his overtime pay as follows:
Overtime Pay = $10.60/hour x 1.5 x 5 hours = $79.50

3. Total Pay:
To find Mike's total pay, we add his regular pay and overtime pay together:
Total Pay = Regular Pay + Overtime Pay
Total Pay = $424.00 + $79.50 = $503.50

Therefore, Mike's total pay for that week was $503.50.

To calculate Mike's total pay, we need to calculate both his regular pay and his overtime pay.

1. Regular Pay:
Mike earns $10.60 per hour for regular pay. Since he worked 40 hours, we multiply his regular pay rate by the number of regular hours worked: $10.60/hour * 40 hours = $424.00

2. Overtime Pay:
Mike worked 45 hours, which means he worked 5 hours of overtime. Overtime pay is time and a half of the regular pay rate. So, we multiply Mike's regular pay rate by 1.5 and then multiply it by the number of overtime hours worked: $10.60/hour * 1.5 * 5 hours = $79.50

3. Total Pay:
To find his total pay, we add his regular pay and overtime pay together: $424.00 + $79.50 = $503.50

Therefore, Mike's total pay for the week is $503.50.