Which of the following would be an environmental factor that could affect gene expression? (1 point)


organ of the organism
organ of the organism

temperature of the water
temperature of the water

sex of the organism
sex of the organism

number of organisms in the group

temperature of the water

The environmental factor that could affect gene expression from the given options is the "temperature of the water."

To determine which of the provided options is an environmental factor that could affect gene expression, we need to consider the definition of gene expression and how it can be influenced by factors in the environment.

Gene expression refers to the process by which information encoded in a gene is used to synthesize a functional gene product, such as a protein. It involves the activation and regulation of genes, enabling them to be transcribed and translated into proteins.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

1. Organ of the organism: This refers to the specific body part or system within an organism. While different organs may have specific functions, they are not direct environmental factors that affect gene expression. Hence, this option is not relevant.

2. Temperature of the water: This environmental factor can indeed affect gene expression in certain organisms, particularly those that live in aquatic environments. Changes in water temperature can influence the activity of genes involved in thermoregulation and other temperature-dependent processes. In this case, temperature is an environmental factor that can impact gene expression.

3. Sex of the organism: The sex of an organism, whether it is male or female, is determined by its genetic makeup. While certain genes are sex-specific and can influence gene expression, the sex of an organism itself is not an environmental factor. It is determined at the genetic level and not influenced by the environment.

4. Number of organisms in the group: The number of organisms in a group does not directly affect the gene expression of individual organisms. It may have an indirect influence by altering the availability of resources and competition for survival, but it is not a direct environmental factor that affects gene expression.

Based on this analysis, the option "Temperature of the water" is the environmental factor that could affect gene expression.