Gene Expression Quick Check

5 of 55 of 5 Items
Which of the following would be an environmental factor that could affect gene expression? (1 point)

temperature of the water
temperature of the water

organ of the organism
organ of the organism

number of organisms in the group
number of organisms in the group

sex of the organism

The correct answer is the temperature of the water.

To determine which of the following could be an environmental factor that could affect gene expression, we need to understand what gene expression is and how it can be influenced.

Gene expression refers to the process by which the information contained in a gene is used to create a functional product, such as a protein. It is influenced by both internal and external factors, including environmental factors.

In this case, we are looking for an environmental factor that could affect gene expression. Let's analyze each response option:

1. Temperature of the water: This is a valid environmental factor that can affect gene expression. Temperature can influence the activity of enzymes involved in transcription and translation, which are the processes by which the genetic information is copied into RNA and then translated into proteins. Different temperatures can affect the efficiency and speed of these processes, potentially altering gene expression.

2. Organ of the organism: An organism's specific organ is not considered an environmental factor that directly affects gene expression. Instead, it is an intrinsic factor that can affect gene expression indirectly through its internal environment.

3. Number of organisms in the group: While the number of organisms in a group can influence the overall ecosystem, it is not a direct environmental factor that affects gene expression at the individual level.

4. Sex of the organism: Sex can be considered an environmental factor in the sense that it can influence gene expression differences between males and females. The sex of an organism can result in the activation or suppression of certain genes, leading to different phenotypic characteristics.

Based on the analysis, the correct response to the question would be: temperature of the water and sex of the organism. These are two environmental factors that can directly affect gene expression.

sex of the organism