What level in society did the Pardoner occupy?

1 point

The Pardoner occupied the level of the Clergy in society.

The Pardoner occupied the level of clergy in society.

To arrive at this conclusion, you can consider the information provided in the question and utilize knowledge on social hierarchy during medieval times. The given options represent different levels in society.

1. Royalty: Royalty refers to the highest level in society, comprising kings, queens, and their families. Pardoners were not typically associated with royalty, as they were not of noble birth.

2. Clergy: The clergy refers to individuals who are ordained members of a religious order, such as priests, bishops, or monks. The Pardoner is a specific character from Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," who is portrayed as a church official responsible for granting pardons and selling religious relics. This makes the clergy category the most fitting for the Pardoner's social position.

3. Merchant: Merchants were individuals engaged in trade or commerce. The Pardoner's role was not primarily related to business or trading activities, so the merchant category is incorrect.

4. Commoner: Commoners were members of the general population who did not belong to the nobility or the clergy. The Pardoner, as a clergy member, would not be considered a commoner.

Considering these options, it is clear that the Pardoner occupied the level of clergy in society.

The Pardoner occupied the level of the clergy in society.