Which of the following is a word root is it an affix added at the beginning of the word root and fax added to the end of a word route a word part, added at the beginning, or end of a word root, that changes the word meaning or a basic word part that often comes from Greek or Latin

A word root is a basic word part that often comes from Greek or Latin.

Based on your question, you are asking about the definition and function of a word root and an affix in relation to word formation.

A word root is a basic word part that usually comes from Latin or Greek and carries the core meaning of a word. It is the foundation upon which words are built. For example, the word root "aud" means "to hear," and it is found in words like auditorium or audible.

An affix, on the other hand, is a word part that is added either at the beginning (prefix) or end (suffix) of a word root to modify its meaning or create a new word altogether. Prefixes and suffixes are types of affixes.

In the given options, the word part or affix added at the beginning of a word root refers to a prefix, while the affix added at the end of a word root refers to a suffix.

To summarize:
- A word root is a basic part that provides the core meaning of a word.
- A prefix is an affix added at the beginning of a word root.
- A suffix is an affix added at the end of a word root.

It is important to note that affixes can alter the meaning of a word root, but the root itself remains the central concept.

The correct answer is: an affix added at the beginning of the word root and a suffix added to the end of a word root.