What is one advantage of using a wireless network cover a wired network?

A. Wireless networks are faster

B. You don't need to route wires to every physical location that needs a connection

C. Wireless networks are more source

D. All of these are advantages of wireless networks

B. You don't need to route wires to every physical location that needs a connection

The correct answer is B. You don't need to route wires to every physical location that needs a connection.

To determine the advantage of using a wireless network over a wired network, we need to analyze the benefits of wireless networks.

Option A states "Wireless networks are faster." This is not necessarily accurate, as wired networks generally provide faster and more consistent speeds compared to wireless networks. Therefore, option A is not a correct advantage of using a wireless network.

Option C states "Wireless networks are more source." It seems there may be a typo in this option, as the word "source" doesn't make sense in this context. Assuming it was meant to be "secure," wireless networks can be secure if proper security measures are implemented. However, this is not a distinct advantage over wired networks, as both types of networks can be equally secure with appropriate security protocols. Thus, option C is not correct.

Option D states "All of these are advantages of wireless networks." While options A and C are inaccurate, option B, "You don't need to route wires to every physical location that needs a connection," is indeed a valid advantage of using a wireless network. With a wireless network, you can connect devices without the need for physical wires, which provides flexibility and convenience.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.

The correct answer is B. You don't need to route wires to every physical location that needs a connection.