Compare how the Swahili coast of East Africa and the Kingdom of Kongo were impacted by their role in global trade during the seventeenth century.

(1 point)
• Both the Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast rose to greater prominence due to Portuguese involvement.
• The Kingdom of Kongo lost control of the slave trade, while the Swahili coast lost its power to extract resources.
• The Kingdom of Kongo moved north, while the Swahili coast disbanded.
• The Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast were both destroyed.

• Both the Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast rose to greater prominence due to Portuguese involvement.

Both the Swahili coast of East Africa and the Kingdom of Kongo were impacted by their role in global trade during the seventeenth century, but in different ways.

Firstly, both regions experienced increased prominence due to Portuguese involvement. The Portuguese established trading posts and formed alliances with local rulers in both areas, which helped to boost their economic and political influence.

However, the Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast were impacted differently in terms of the specific effects on their societies and economies.

In the case of the Kingdom of Kongo, it lost control of the slave trade. The Portuguese began to heavily participate in the transatlantic slave trade, and in doing so, bypassed the Kingdom of Kongo's authority over the trade. This weakened the kingdom's economic power and disrupted the social fabric of Kongo society.

On the other hand, the Swahili coast lost its power to extract resources. Prior to Portuguese arrival, the Swahili city-states along the coast had been highly prosperous, engaging in long-distance trade routes that brought valuable goods like gold, ivory, and spices. However, Portuguese intervention disrupted these trade networks, causing the decline of the Swahili coast's economic dominance. The Portuguese diverted trade routes away from the coast, which resulted in the loss of revenue and influence for the city-states.

It is important to note that neither the Kingdom of Kongo nor the Swahili coast were completely destroyed. However, they both faced significant challenges and changes as a result of their involvement in global trade during the seventeenth century. The Kingdom of Kongo moved northward and underwent further political and economic transformations, while the Swahili coast experienced a decline in its economic power and eventually disbanded as a unified political entity.

To compare how the Swahili coast of East Africa and the Kingdom of Kongo were impacted by their role in global trade during the seventeenth century, we need to analyze the historical events and consequences of their involvement. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Research the Portuguese involvement: During the seventeenth century, the Portuguese played a significant role in global trade, particularly in Africa. Look for historical sources, books, or articles that discuss the Portuguese presence in both the Swahili coast and the Kingdom of Kongo.

2. Understand the rise to prominence: Determine the impact of Portuguese involvement on both regions. Did the Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast experience greater prominence due to the Portuguese's involvement? Look for specific evidence or historical events that support this claim in reliable sources.

3. Investigate the consequences: Find out what happened to the Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast as a result of their involvement in global trade. Did they face any negative consequences? Did their power shift or decline in any way? Look for historical accounts or records that indicate changes in their political, social, or economic conditions during the seventeenth century.

4. Compare the consequences: Based on your research, compare the impact on the Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast. Did they share any similar consequences or experiences? Look for similarities and differences in their historical narratives. Pay attention to how their involvement in global trade affected their control over resources, trade routes, or political power.

By researching these points, you will be able to compare how the Kingdom of Kongo and the Swahili coast were impacted by their role in global trade during the seventeenth century and arrive at an accurate answer.