It is widely assumed that the only way to be profitable today is by having a college degree. However, careers attained through trade schools are just as worthwhile which word in the sentence is a synonym for worthwhile is it assumed widely attained or profitable?

The word "worthwhile" in the sentence is a synonym for "profitable."

The word "worthwhile" implies that something is valuable, important, or deserving of one's time and effort. In the sentence you provided, "worthwhile" describes careers attained through trade schools. To determine the synonym for "worthwhile," we need to consider the other options: "assumed," "widely," "attained," and "profitable."

"Assumed" means to accept something as true or likely without evidence or proof. It does not carry the same meaning as "worthwhile."

"Widely" means extensively or broadly. While it is related to the context of the sentence, it does not capture the essence of "worthwhile."

"Attained" means to achieve or reach something. Although it describes the action of achieving a career through trade schools, it does not convey the specific idea of value or worth.

"Profitable" means capable of making money or yielding a financial gain. While it is relevant to the broader topic, it does not serve as a synonym for "worthwhile."

Therefore, the correct synonym for "worthwhile" in the given sentence is "valuable" or "important," as it reflects the notion that careers attained through trade schools are equally worthwhile.

The word in the sentence that is synonymous with "worthwhile" is "profitable."