It is widely assumed that the only way to be profitable today is by having a college degree. However, careers attained through trade schools are just as worthwhile.

Which word in the sentence is a synonym for worthwhile?


The word in the sentence that is a synonym for "worthwhile" is "profitable".

In order to identify the synonym for the word "worthwhile" in the given sentence, we can break down the sentence and define each word.

The sentence: "It is widely assumed that the only way to be profitable today is by having a college degree. However, careers attained through trade schools are just as worthwhile."

- Assumed: It means believed or taken for granted without proof.
- Attained: It means achieved or obtained.
- Profitable: It means financially beneficial or leading to a profit.
- Widely: It means widely known or extensively.

Now, looking at the options, we can see that "assumed," "attained," and "profitable" are not synonyms for "worthwhile." The only word left is "widely." Thus, "widely" is the correct answer.

To understand this, you can utilize a dictionary or thesaurus. By looking up the word "worthwhile" in a dictionary or using an online thesaurus, you will find synonyms like "valuable," "beneficial," or "rewarding."