What was Timbuktu's greatest import? (1 point)

O Food
O Books
O Tourists
• Metal


To determine Timbuktu's greatest import, you can consider the historical significance of the city and analyze the resources and trade relationships it had. Timbuktu, located in present-day Mali, was a significant trading center during the 14th to 16th centuries.

Books: Timbuktu gained renown as a center of Islamic learning and scholarship. It housed numerous private and public libraries, making it a destination for scholars and intellectuals. This suggests that books were an important import, but not necessarily the greatest.

Tourism: While tourism is an essential aspect of modern economies, it was not a factor in Timbuktu's heyday. Therefore, tourists were not a significant import in historical times.

Metal: One of the key imports for Timbuktu was metal, specifically iron and copper. These metals were vital for various purposes, including crafting tools, making weapons, and producing currency. Given the importance of metal to the overall economy and industries of the time, it is likely that metal was one of Timbuktu's greatest imports.

Therefore, the answer to the question "What was Timbuktu's greatest import?" is Metal.

Timbuktu's greatest import was books.