How did the Bantu Migration change the languages of Africa? (1 point)

•The Bantu traded with other cultures and adopted their languages.
• The Bantu created one common language spoken throughout Africa today.
• The Bantu contributed to more than 500 languages spoken around Africa today.
• The Bantu adopted other inhabitants* languages and the original language has been lost.

The Bantu Migration contributed to more than 500 languages spoken around Africa today.

To answer this question, we need to understand the impact of the Bantu Migration on the languages of Africa. The Bantu Migration was a significant movement of Bantu-speaking people across Africa that took place over thousands of years, starting around 2000 BCE.

During this migration, the Bantu people interacted and traded with various cultures and populations throughout Africa, leading to cultural exchanges and linguistic influences. As a result, the Bantu people adopted some elements from other languages they encountered along their migration routes. However, it is important to note that they did not entirely replace their original Bantu languages.

The Bantu Migration actually contributed to the expansion and diversification of Bantu languages. Today, more than 500 distinct Bantu languages are spoken across Africa. These languages share a common ancestry and exhibit similarities in grammar, vocabulary, and structure.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is: The Bantu Migration contributed to more than 500 languages spoken around Africa today.

The correct answer is:

• The Bantu contributed to more than 500 languages spoken around Africa today.