The Bantu originated in present-day __________.

A LibyaLibya
B EgyptEgypt
C NigeriaNigeria
D South Africa

C NigeriaNigeria

To find out where the Bantu originated, we can use some research techniques. One approach is to consult historical and anthropological sources. Another way is to analyze linguistic evidence.

Historical and anthropological sources can provide insights into the origin and migration patterns of the Bantu people. These sources may include archaeological studies, oral traditions, historical records, and genetic studies.

Looking at linguistic evidence can also be helpful because the Bantu language family is one of the largest language families in Africa. By examining the distribution of Bantu languages and comparing their similarities, linguists can trace the migration routes of the Bantu-speaking populations.

Based on these research methods and findings, the Bantu people are believed to have originated in present-day Nigeria, which makes option C, Nigeria, the correct answer. The Bantu migrations from Nigeria started around 2000 BCE and gradually expanded across Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa, ultimately reaching South Africa.

The Bantu originated in present-day Nigeria. (C)