Choose the meaning of the bold word in the following question.

'Seldom arises by these slender branches / Prowess of men, for it is God, no less, / Wills us to claim of Him our gentleness. (The Canterbury Tales, “The Wife of Bath’s Tale")
(1 point)


skills or expertise
skills or expertise




The meaning of the bold word "prowess" in this context is skills or expertise.

In order to determine the meaning of the bold word in the given question, we can look at the context in which it is used. The phrase "it is God, no less" suggests that the bold word is referring to something divine or spiritual. Based on this context, the most appropriate meaning for the bold word would be "holiness." This is because the phrase implies that the ability to claim gentleness is not something that men acquire through their own skills or expertise, but rather it is something bestowed upon them by God. Therefore, "holiness" fits the given context.