Which statement best analyzes how the minority party is disadvantaged by congressional procedures?(1 point)


Representatives from the majority party are allowed to speak first, while minority leaders speak based on a set agenda.
Representatives from the majority party are allowed to speak first, while minority leaders speak based on a set agenda.

Members of the minority party are not allowed to speak on the floor of Congress.
Members of the minority party are not allowed to speak on the floor of Congress.

Members of the minority party must always vote in support of legislation proposed by the majority.
Members of the minority party must always vote in support of legislation proposed by the majority.

Members of the minority party must submit written comments to the Speaker of the House, who then shares them on the floor of Congress.

Representatives from the majority party are allowed to speak first, while minority leaders speak based on a set agenda.

The statement that best analyzes how the minority party is disadvantaged by congressional procedures is: Representatives from the majority party are allowed to speak first, while minority leaders speak based on a set agenda. This gives the majority party more influence and control over the discussion and can limit the ability of the minority party to make their case or propose alternative ideas.

The statement that best analyzes how the minority party is disadvantaged by congressional procedures is:

"Representatives from the majority party are allowed to speak first, while minority leaders speak based on a set agenda."

This statement highlights the fact that in congressional procedures, representatives from the majority party are given priority in speaking opportunities. They are allowed to speak first, giving them the advantage of shaping the discussion and setting the agenda. On the other hand, minority leaders must wait for their turn and are limited by the set agenda, which can limit their ability to fully express their views or influence legislation.