Which of the following statements shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence?(1 point)


By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.
By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.
He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.

Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.
Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

The statement "He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina" shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence.

The statement that shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence is:

"He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina."

To determine this, historians would analyze the historical accounts, primary sources, and relevant documents from that time period. They would look for evidence that supports the claim that José Gutiérrez de Lara played a crucial role in unifying rebels against Spain and contributing to the victory at the Battle of Medina. This might involve studying official records, personal letters, diaries, and other primary sources that provide insights into his actions and interactions with other key figures in the Mexican War for Independence. They would also consider the perspectives of different historians and scholars who have studied this period, looking for consensus or differing interpretations of his impact. By critically examining all available evidence, historians can assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence and form their conclusions.