What did James Watt do to the steam engine to start the Industrial Revolution?(1 point) Responses He attached it to a locomotive. He attached it to a locomotive. He applied the use of horses to the steam engine to make it faster. He applied the use of horses to the steam engine to make it faster. He improved the existing design to make it more efficient and cost effective. He improved the existing design to make it more efficient and cost effective. He invented the very first one.

He improved the existing design to make it more efficient and cost effective.

James Watt improved the existing design of the steam engine to make it more efficient and cost-effective, which played a significant role in starting the Industrial Revolution.

To start the Industrial Revolution, James Watt improved the existing design of the steam engine to make it more efficient and cost-effective. He did not attach it to a locomotive or use horses to make it faster. Instead, he made significant enhancements to the engine itself. Watt introduced a separate condenser that enhanced the engine's performance by reducing the loss of heat and improving its fuel efficiency. Additionally, he designed the engine with a rotary motion, allowing it to be utilized in various industries like textiles, mining, and transportation. These improvements greatly contributed to the widespread adoption and advancement of steam power, which played a crucial role in driving the Industrial Revolution forward.