What additional piece of information would you need to be able to state KLM is congruent with MNK by the SSS congruence Therom

1:KL is congruent with LM
2: NL is congruent KM
3: KL is congruent MN
4: Km is congruent KN

In order to apply the SSS congruence theorem, we would need the information about the lengths of the sides of triangles KLM and MNK, which is missing in the given options.

To use the Side-Side-Side (SSS) Congruence Theorem to conclude that KLM is congruent to MNK, you would also need to know that angle K is congruent to angle M. Without this additional piece of information, the congruency cannot be determined.

To determine if KLM is congruent to MNK using the Side-Side-Side (SSS) congruence theorem, we need to check if all three pairs of corresponding sides are congruent. The information given is:

1. KL is congruent to LM
2. NL is congruent to KM
3. KL is congruent to MN
4. KM is congruent to KN

From the given information, we can see that KL is congruent to MN (statement 3), which satisfies one of the requirements for the SSS congruence theorem. However, we do not have any information about the lengths of the other two pairs of corresponding sides: KL/LM and NL/KM.

To determine if KLM is congruent to MNK by the SSS congruence theorem, we need an additional piece of information that confirms the congruence of the remaining pair(s) of corresponding sides. Without more information, we cannot definitively state whether KLM is congruent to MNK based on the SSS congruence theorem.