Construct ∆ klm given kl =7cm lm =8cm and km=6cm.Measure the smallest angle in ∆ klm=75

To construct ∆KLM given KL = 7cm, LM = 8cm, and KM = 6cm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment KL with a length of 7cm.
Step 2: Place the compass on point K and adjust it to a length of 6cm. Draw an arc that intersects the line segment KL. Label the point of intersection as M.
Step 3: Place the compass on point L and adjust it to a length of 8cm. Draw an arc that intersects the line segment KL. Label the point of intersection as N.
Step 4: Draw a line segment LM connecting points L and M.
Step 5: ∆KLM is now constructed.

To measure the smallest angle in ∆KLM, follow these steps:

Step 1: Place the protractor with its center point on vertex L.
Step 2: Align the base line of the protractor along the line segment LM.
Step 3: Locate the intersection point of the protractor and line segment KL.
Step 4: Read the degree measurement on the protractor to determine the smallest angle in ∆KLM.

Based on the information provided, the smallest angle in ∆KLM is 75 degrees.

To construct triangle KLM given KL = 7cm, LM = 8cm, and KM = 6cm, we can use the method of constructing triangles using SSS (side-side-side) congruence.

Here are the steps to construct triangle KLM:

1. Start by drawing a straight line segment KL of length 7cm. Label the points K and L at the ends of the segment.

2. With K as the center, draw an arc with a radius of 6cm. Label the point where the arc intersects the line segment KL as M.

3. Measure a straight line segment LM of length 8cm starting from the point L towards M.

4. Finally, connect points K and M using a straight line segment to complete triangle KLM.

To measure the smallest angle in triangle KLM (let's call it angle K), you can use a protractor or a geometric construction method called angle bisector. Here are the steps to construct the angle bisector of angle K:

1. Draw a straight line segment KP starting from point K and extending past point M.

2. With M as the center, draw an arc across the line segment KP to intersect it at two points, which we'll label as Q and R.

3. With Q and R as centers, draw two arcs of equal radius that intersect each other. Label the point of intersection as S.

4. Connect point K with point S using a straight line segment.

The angle bisector of angle K will be the line segment KS. You can now measure the angle using a protractor by placing its center on point K, aligning the reference line with KS, and reading the angle measurement at the other side of the protractor.

If the measurement of angle K is exactly 75 degrees, then you have successfully constructed triangle KLM with the given side lengths and measured the smallest angle.

draw LM of length 8

with center L, construct a circle of radius 7
with center M, construct a circle of radius 6
M is where the two circles intersect.
and yes, angle L is close to 75°
