Which of the following statements about American Romanticism is not true? (1 point) a)Romanticism originated in British Literature and migrated to American Literature. b)Transcendentalism and gothic short stories are subgenres of American Romanticism.

c)American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.
d)Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.

c) American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.

The statement that is not true about American Romanticism is:

c) American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.

American Romantic poetry, in contrast to traditional poetry, often broke free from strict rhyme schemes and structures. It allowed for more experimentation and freedom in terms of form and structure.

To determine which of the statements about American Romanticism is not true, we need to analyze each statement and consider its accuracy.

a) Romanticism originated in British Literature and migrated to American Literature.
This statement is true. Romanticism emerged as a literary and artistic movement in Europe, particularly in British literature, before influencing American literature.

b) Transcendentalism and gothic short stories are subgenres of American Romanticism.
This statement is true. Transcendentalism and gothic short stories are indeed subgenres or branches of American Romanticism. Transcendentalism, notably associated with writers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, focuses on transcendence and the individual's connection with nature. Gothic short stories, on the other hand, emphasize mystery, darkness, and supernatural elements within a romantic framework.

c) American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.
This statement is not true. American Romantic poetry, like British Romantic poetry, mainly broke away from the rigid structures and rhyme schemes of earlier periods. Romantic poets sought individual expression and emphasized emotional and imaginative freedom. Therefore, they often employed looser forms and experimented with different meters and structures.

d) Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.
This statement is true. One of the primary characteristics of Romanticism, both in Europe and in America, is a celebration of imagination, emotion, and intuition over logic and reason. Romantic writers often sought to explore the depths of human experience through passionate expression and intuitive understanding.

So, the statement that is not true is:

c) American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.