Bella wants to use transformation to show that GHI is congruent LKJ to illustrate the SSS triangle congruence criterion. Which of the following could she do first

1:Translate GHI along a vector that take point I to point K

Bella could do 1:Translate GHI along a vector that takes point I to point K first.

If Bella wants to use transformation to show that GHI is congruent to LKJ, she could first choose to translate GHI along a vector that takes point I to point K.

To show that GHI is congruent to LKJ using the SSS (Side-Side-Side) triangle congruence criterion, Bella could do the following steps:

1. Translate GHI along a vector that takes point I to point K.

Translation is a type of transformation that moves a figure without changing its shape or orientation. By translating GHI along a vector that takes point I to point K, Bella can move the triangle GHI to align with triangle LKJ.

To perform the translation, Bella should determine the vector from point I to point K and then translate each vertex of triangle GHI using that vector. This will ensure that point I coincides with point K, and the rest of the triangle will follow suit.

After performing the translation, Bella can compare the corresponding sides and angles of the two triangles, GHI and LKJ, to check if they are congruent. If all three pairs of corresponding sides are equal, then the triangles are congruent.