What type of lead does this story have?

(1 point)

Staccato lead
Staccato lead

Narrative lead
Narrative lead

Face or scene lead
Face or scene lead

Summary lead

Summary lead

To determine the type of lead that a story has, you would need to consider the structure and style of the opening paragraph. Based on the given response options, the correct answer is "Summary lead."

To determine the type of lead for a story, you would typically need to read the story or have more context about it. However, from the given options, we can discuss each type of lead briefly to help you understand them.

1. Staccato lead: This type of lead is characterized by short, quick, and punchy sentences or phrases that grab the reader's attention. It often uses fragments or incomplete sentences to create a sense of urgency or make a strong statement. To determine if a story has a staccato lead, you would need to read the beginning of the story and analyze the sentence structure and tone.

2. Narrative lead: A narrative lead introduces a story by setting a scene, describing events, or providing background information. It aims to engage the reader by telling a story or creating a sense of immersion. To identify a narrative lead, you would need to assess if the beginning of the story focuses on storytelling elements and provides context for the rest of the narrative.

3. Face or scene lead: This type of lead emphasizes describing a person or a vivid scene in the opening lines of a story. It aims to captivate readers by creating a visual image or focusing on a specific individual. To determine if a story has a face or scene lead, you would need to examine the opening sentences and assess if they paint a picture or highlight a person.

4. Summary lead: A summary lead condenses the main points or highlights of a story into a concise introductory paragraph. It presents an overview of the most important information without going into too much detail. To identify a summary lead, you would need to analyze if the beginning of the story summarizes the key points or main events.

Without any context or specific details about the story in question, it is not possible to determine the type of lead it has accurately. I recommend referring to the actual story or providing more information for a more accurate analysis.