The lead of a feature story should begin with:

(1 point)


A quotation
A quotation

Focus on the topic
Focus on the topic

An “Aha!” moment
An “Aha!” moment

Focus on the topic

The lead of a feature story should begin with:

- Focus on the topic. A strong lead for a feature story should immediately grab the reader's attention and clearly convey what the story is about.

- Imagery. Incorporating vivid and descriptive imagery in the lead can also captivate the reader and create a visual connection to the story.

- A quotation. Beginning with a powerful or thought-provoking quotation from a relevant source can provide an interesting and engaging start to the feature story.

- An "Aha!" moment. Starting with an intriguing anecdote, unexpected discovery, or surprising fact can captivate the reader's curiosity and draw them into the story.

The lead of a feature story should begin with a strong and captivating introduction that grabs the reader's attention. The goal is to make them want to continue reading the article. Let's break down the options given and explain each one:

1. Imagery: Using vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the reader's senses can be a great way to start a feature story. It helps create a visual picture in the reader's mind and creates an engaging atmosphere.

2. A quotation: Starting with a powerful quote can immediately draw the reader in and provide a unique perspective or insight on the topic being discussed. It can add credibility and interest to the story.

3. Focus on the topic: Beginning the lead by directly addressing the main topic or theme of the feature story can be an effective way to grab the reader's attention. It establishes the purpose of the article and sets the stage for what is to come.

4. An "Aha!" moment: Starting with a surprising or thought-provoking moment that catches the reader off guard can be a compelling way to begin a feature story. It creates intrigue and curiosity, motivating the reader to continue reading to find out more.

Each of these options holds potential depending on the specific context and content of the feature story. It's important to consider the tone, audience, and main purpose of the article when deciding which lead approach to use. Ultimately, the lead should capture the reader's interest and make them eager to delve further into the story.