Select a differnt story or poem from this unit. identify a literary element in the chosen selecton usch as tone, imagery, or symbolism. explain how the events and / or ideas in the story / or poem exhibit tone, imagery, or symbolism. include at least two supporting details or examples. besure to include the title of the selection and the author

To fulfill your request, you will need to select a specific unit or collection of stories or poems that you are referring to. Once you have identified a different story or poem from that specific unit, follow these steps to analyze and identify a literary element such as tone, imagery, or symbolism, and explain how the events and/or ideas in the chosen selection exhibit that literary element:

1. Read the selected story or poem attentively, paying close attention to the author's use of language, description, and overall mood of the piece.

2. Identify the literary element you wish to analyze. For example, if you choose to analyze symbolism, consider how the author uses symbols, objects, or actions to represent abstract ideas or concepts.

3. Begin by providing the title of the selection and the author's name as requested. This will ensure that your analysis is specific to the chosen story or poem.

4. For tone analysis, explore how the author's choice of words, sentence structure, and overall attitude shape the emotional atmosphere of the piece. Provide examples of specific lines or passages that evoke a particular tone.

5. For imagery analysis, examine how the author uses vivid sensory language to create mental images for the reader. Look for descriptive phrases or metaphors that appeal to the senses and enhance the overall reading experience.

6. For symbolism analysis, consider how the author employs symbols to convey deeper meanings or themes. Look for recurring motifs, objects, or actions that hold symbolic significance in the story or poem.

7. Provide at least two supporting details or examples from the selected story or poem to strengthen your analysis. This could include specific quotes, descriptions, or incidents that exemplify the tone, imagery, or symbolism you have identified.

Remember to structure your response clearly by incorporating an introduction stating the title and author, a body paragraph explaining the chosen literary element, and examples to support your analysis.

Title: "The Raven"

Author: Edgar Allan Poe

In the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, the literary element of symbolism is heavily used. Throughout the poem, the raven serves as a symbol representing death and the narrator's descent into madness.

1. The Raven as Symbolism of Death:
The raven's presence in the poem symbolizes death and the narrator's grief over the loss of his beloved Lenore. This is evident in lines such as "And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting" which suggests the eternal presence of death. The repetition of the word "nevermore" by the raven becomes increasingly haunting, further symbolizing the inevitable end that death brings.

2. The Color Imagery:
Imagery is another important literary element used in "The Raven." The use of dark and ominous imagery throughout the poem enhances the overall tone and contributes to the symbolism. For example, the mention of "the pallor of [the narrator's] chamber door" reflects the gloomy and desolate atmosphere surrounding the narrator. Additionally, the mention of the raven's "fiery eyes" and "shadow" adds to the eerie and unsettling imagery, intensifying the overall tone of the poem.

Overall, by utilizing the raven as a symbolic representation of death and incorporating dark and gloomy imagery, Poe effectively conveys a somber and macabre tone throughout the poem "The Raven."

Hm. Lemme see.