Read the poem excerpt.

As every eye awaits her hand
To cue the members of the band.

Which statement best describes the meter?

The meter is free, imitating the flow of conversational speech.
The meter is free, making the poem unpredictable.
The meter is fixed, and every syllable is stressed.
The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.

The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme.

The statement that best describes the meter of the poem excerpt is: The meter is fixed, and every syllable is stressed.

To determine the meter of a poem, we need to analyze the rhythmic patterns in the lines. In this case, we see that each line has four stressed syllables, which suggests a fixed meter. Additionally, the end rhyme in every line draws attention to the rhythmic pattern. Therefore, the best statement that describes the meter of this poem excerpt is: "The meter is fixed, drawing attention to the end rhyme."