The picture above is that of a typical plant cell. Notice the cell wall. The cell wall's main function is to give rigidity and strength to the plant. This allows plants to grow tall instead of laying flaccid on the ground.

Compare the cell wall of the plant cell to the human body. Which system is most similar to the cell wall in function?

Question 20 options:

nervous system

digestive system

skeletal system

cardiovascular system

The skeletal system is most similar to the cell wall in function. The cell wall provides rigidity and strength to the plant, much like the skeletal system provides support and structure to the human body.

The system in the human body that is most similar in function to the cell wall in a plant cell is the skeletal system.

To compare the cell wall of a plant cell to a system in the human body, we need to look for a system that also provides rigidity and strength. Let's analyze each of the options:

1. Nervous system: The nervous system is responsible for transmitting signals and coordinating the activities of the body. It does not provide rigidity or strength like the cell wall.

2. Digestive system: The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. It does not provide rigidity or strength either.

3. Skeletal system: The skeletal system, consisting of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, provides structural support, protection, and movement. This system is most similar to the cell wall in terms of providing rigidity and strength. Therefore, it is a possible answer.

4. Cardiovascular system: The cardiovascular system, including the heart, blood vessels, and blood, is responsible for circulating oxygen, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body. It does not provide rigidity or strength like the cell wall.

Based on these comparisons, the system most similar in function to the cell wall in a plant cell is the skeletal system.