which of the following statements about American Romanticism is not true?

A)Romanticism originated in British Literature and migrated to American Literature.
B)Transcendentalism and gothic short stories are subgenres of American
C)Romanticism. American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.
D)Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.

C) Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.

This statement is not true because Romanticism actually valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.

The statement that is not true is:

C) Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.

American Romantic poetry did not necessarily follow a fixed rhyme scheme and structure. One of the key characteristics of American Romantic poetry was its departure from traditional poetic forms, allowing for greater freedom and experimentation with form and structure.

To determine which of the statements about American Romanticism is not true, let's analyze each statement:

A) Romanticism originated in British Literature and migrated to American Literature.
This statement is true. Romanticism did indeed originate in Europe, particularly in Britain, and later influenced American literature.

B) Transcendentalism and gothic short stories are subgenres of American Romanticism.
This statement is true. Transcendentalism and Gothic literature are indeed considered subgenres of American Romanticism. Transcendentalism emphasizes the importance of nature, intuition, and individualism, while Gothic literature focuses on dark and mysterious themes.

C) American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure.
This statement is false. American Romantic poetry often rejected strict rhyme schemes and structures. Instead, it favored more free and expressive forms, allowing for individual creativity and emotional exploration.

D) Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.
This statement is true. Romanticism emphasized the power of emotions, individual imagination, and intuition over strict adherence to reason and logic.

Therefore, the answer is C) American Romantic poetry follows a fixed rhyme scheme and structure, as this statement is not true.