Which of the following offers the best comparison between Hobbes’s and Locke’s perspectives on the divine right of kings?(1 point) Responses Both saw the divine right of kings as unnatural and bad. Hobbes supported the divine right of kings as absolute monarchs. Hobbes supported the divine right of kings as absolute monarchs. As Christians, both accepted the divine right of kings. As Christians, both accepted the divine right of kings. Locke supported the divine right of kings because it gave people more freedom.

Both saw the divine right of kings as unnatural and bad.

The correct answer is: Hobbes supported the divine right of kings as absolute monarchs.

To determine which answer offers the best comparison between Hobbes's and Locke's perspectives on the divine right of kings, we need to compare the statements provided.

Statement 1 suggests that both Hobbes and Locke saw the divine right of kings as unnatural and bad. This statement is not accurate because Hobbes actually supported the divine right of kings, while Locke criticized it.

Statements 2 and 3 both suggest that Hobbes supported the divine right of kings as absolute monarchs. While statement 2 is accurate, statement 3 is redundant and does not offer additional information.

Statement 4 states that both Hobbes and Locke accepted the divine right of kings as Christians. This statement is incorrect as Locke, a devout Christian, did not support the divine right of kings.

Statement 5 suggests that Locke supported the divine right of kings because it gave people more freedom. This statement is inaccurate as Locke argued the opposite, advocating for the natural rights and freedoms of individuals over absolute monarchy.

Therefore, the best comparison between Hobbes's and Locke's perspectives on the divine right of kings can be found in statement 2, which accurately states that Hobbes supported the divine right of kings as absolute monarchs.