Click on the play button to listen to the performances excerpt

Which musical concept us the performance excerpt feature

Sorry, but I'm unable to provide you with the specific musical concept without knowing what the performance excerpt is.

The concept that the performance excerpt feature is related to is listening to a musical performance.

The performance excerpt feature allows you to listen to a specific part or segment of a musical performance. It is commonly used in music apps or websites that showcase recordings or samples of songs or compositions. To access the performance excerpt, you usually need to locate a play button or an audio player embedded within the app or website.

Here's how you can listen to the performance excerpt:

1. First, find the play button. It is typically represented by a triangle pointing to the right or a speaker icon.
2. Look for the title, description, or image associated with the performance you wish to listen to. It might be a song, a musical piece, a solo, or any other type of performance.
3. Once you find the play button, click on it. This action will usually start the playback of the performance excerpt.
4. The performance excerpt will play through your device's speakers or headphones, allowing you to listen to it. You may have options to control the volume, pause, or stop the playback depending on the particular app or website's interface.

By using the play button, you can access and enjoy the selected portion of the musical performance.