which of these rhetorical devices does emerson use here

trust thyself every heart vibrates to that iron string

The rhetorical device used in the given statement is parallelism.

In the given line, "Trust thyself every heart vibrates to that iron string," Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist and poet, employs the rhetorical device of metaphor. The phrase "every heart vibrates to that iron string" is a metaphorical expression that compares the resonance and responsiveness of every individual's heart to an "iron string."

In this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the rhetorical device being used is parallelism.

To identify the use of parallelism in this quote, it is important to understand what parallelism is. Parallelism is a rhetorical device where phrases or sentences are structured in a similar or parallel manner, creating a balanced and rhythmic effect.

In the quote, Emerson uses parallelism by repeating the phrase "trust thyself" multiple times. The repetition creates a parallel structure, emphasizing the importance of self-reliance. The phrase "every heart vibrates to that iron string" also follows the same parallel structure, further reinforcing the idea.

So, to answer your question, the rhetorical device Emerson uses here is parallelism.