Which option describes a synonym? (1 point)

O a word or phrase that is unfamiliar

O a word or phrase that has an opposite meaning

O a word or phrase that is a model of something

O a word or phrase that has a similar meaning

a word or phrase that has a similar meaning

The correct option that describes a synonym is:

O a word or phrase that has a similar meaning.

The correct option that describes a synonym is: "A word or phrase that has a similar meaning."

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

1. "A word or phrase that is unfamiliar" does not describe a synonym. Unfamiliar words or phrases are not necessarily synonymous.

2. "A word or phrase that has an opposite meaning" describes an antonym, not a synonym. Antonyms are words or phrases that have opposite meanings.

3. "A word or phrase that is a model of something" does not describe a synonym. This definition seems more related to the concept of a "prototype" or an "example."

4. "A word or phrase that has a similar meaning" is the correct definition of a synonym. Synonyms are words or phrases that share a similar meaning with each other.

So, the correct answer is option: "O a word or phrase that has a similar meaning."