
cannot be taken literally and must be understood as a whole.

A(n) metaphor or idiom cannot be taken literally and must be understood as a whole.

The term you mentioned is incomplete, making it difficult to provide a specific answer. However, based on the sentence structure, it seems you are referring to a phrase, expression, or idiomatic language. These types of linguistic elements often have metaphorical or figurative meanings that cannot be understood by simply interpreting each word literally. Instead, they should be comprehended as a unit or as a whole to grasp their intended message or significance.

In order to answer this question, we need to understand the meaning of the term or concept in question. The phrase "cannot be taken literally and must be understood as a whole" suggests that we are looking for a word or term that requires interpretation or contextual understanding.

One example that fits this description is a proverb. A proverb is a short statement that conveys a general truth or piece of wisdom. Proverbs often use figurative language or metaphors, requiring the listener or reader to interpret the intended meaning beyond the literal words. They are meant to be understood as a whole, considering both the literal and metaphorical aspects to grasp the underlying message.

To find the answer to this question, we can analyze the characteristics of different word types that might fit the description. One way to do this is to consider various literary devices or types of expressions that commonly require interpretation or a holistic understanding. For instance, idioms, metaphors, allegories, and symbolic language often fall into this category. By considering these possibilities, we can arrive at the term "proverb" as a likely answer.