give me an example for all of them

connotative meaning – the feeling or idea that a word carries in addition to its literal or main meaning

figurative language – words or expressions that are meant to be understood imaginatively rather than literally

figurative language – words or expressions that are meant to be understood imaginatively rather than literally

figurative language – words or expressions that are meant to be understood imaginatively rather than literally

metaphor – a comparison between two objects or ideas that does not use the words like or as

simile – a comparison between two objects or ideas that uses the words like or as

Example for connotative meaning: The word "home" may evoke feelings of comfort and safety rather than simply referring to a physical dwelling.

Example for figurative language: "The sun danced across the sky" is a metaphorical expression that describes the movement of the sun in a lively and poetic way.

Example for metaphor: "She is a shining star in our office" compares a person to a star, emphasizing their brightness and positive influence.

Example for simile: "Her smile was as bright as the sun" compares a smile to the brightness of the sun, emphasizing its radiant and joyful quality.