Learning from Hurricane Katrina Quick Check

3 of 43 of 4 Items
Some meteorologists use weather models to help predict hurricanes and mitigate damage. Why are such models useful tools for meteorologists?(1 point)

They test how effective an agency will be in responding to a hurricane.
They test how effective an agency will be in responding to a hurricane.

They send warnings about hurricanes to all people living in a region.
They send warnings about hurricanes to all people living in a region.

They show projections of where a hurricane might move.
They show projections of where a hurricane might move.

They transmit pictures of the hurricane as it appears from space

. They transmit pictures of the hurricane as it appears from space.


I apologize for the incorrect response. The correct answer is: "They show projections of where a hurricane might move."

Correct Response: They show projections of where a hurricane might move.

The correct answer is: "They show projections of where a hurricane might move."

Meteorologists use weather models to predict the path and intensity of hurricanes. These models use mathematical equations to simulate the behavior of the atmosphere, and they take into account various meteorological factors such as temperature, pressure, moisture, and wind patterns. By inputting the current atmospheric conditions and other relevant data, these models can generate future projections of where a hurricane is likely to go.

To get this answer, you can eliminate the incorrect options:

- Option 1 ("They test how effective an agency will be in responding to a hurricane") is not directly related to the use of weather models.

- Option 2 ("They send warnings about hurricanes to all people living in a region") refers to the communication of warnings, which is important but not the primary use of weather models.

- Option 4 ("They transmit pictures of the hurricane as it appears from space") is about transmitting images rather than predicting the hurricane's movement.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3, as weather models are useful tools for meteorologists to show projections of where a hurricane might move.