Which statement best describes how Hurricane Katrina changed the geography of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region? (1 point)

• Wetlands in the New Orleans, Louisiana, region remained intact and expanded as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
• Hurricane Katrina stopped the spread of invasive species.
The population of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region continues to rise but its racial, ethnic, and age makeup is different after the effects of Hurricane Katrina.
Hurricane Katrina did not result in many people experiencing disaster displacement in the New Orleans,
• Louisiana, region

The statement "The population of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region continues to rise but its racial, ethnic, and age makeup is different after the effects of Hurricane Katrina" best describes how Hurricane Katrina changed the geography of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region.

The correct statement is: The population of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region continues to rise but its racial, ethnic, and age makeup is different after the effects of Hurricane Katrina.

To determine the correct statement that best describes how Hurricane Katrina changed the geography of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region, we need to review the options provided.

Option 1: "Wetlands in the New Orleans, Louisiana, region remained intact and expanded as a result of Hurricane Katrina."

Option 2: "Hurricane Katrina stopped the spread of invasive species."

Option 3: "The population of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region continues to rise but its racial, ethnic, and age makeup is different after the effects of Hurricane Katrina."

Option 4: "Hurricane Katrina did not result in many people experiencing disaster displacement in the New Orleans, Louisiana, region."

To determine the correct answer, we need to assess which statement aligns with the known effects and impacts of Hurricane Katrina.

Option 1 is incorrect because Hurricane Katrina caused significant damage to wetlands in the New Orleans, Louisiana, region. The storm surge and levee breaches resulted in significant erosion and loss of wetland areas.

Option 2 is incorrect because there is no evidence to suggest that Hurricane Katrina specifically stopped the spread of invasive species. While the storm may have had some short-term impacts on certain species, it is not accurately described as halting the general spread of invasive species.

Option 4 is also incorrect because Hurricane Katrina did result in a significant number of people experiencing disaster displacement in the New Orleans, Louisiana, region. The storm caused widespread flooding, the destruction of homes, and displacement of residents.

This leaves us with Option 3: "The population of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region continues to rise but its racial, ethnic, and age makeup is different after the effects of Hurricane Katrina." This statement accurately reflects the long-term impact of the storm on the region's population. Following Hurricane Katrina, many residents did not return, resulting in demographic shifts and changes in the racial, ethnic, and age makeup of the population.

Therefore, the correct statement is: The population of the New Orleans, Louisiana, region continues to rise but its racial, ethnic, and age makeup is different after the effects of Hurricane Katrina.