In which form of reproduction does the offspring grow specifically from the stem or root of a plant? (1 point)


binary fission
binary fission


vegetative reproduction
vegetative reproduction


vegetative reproduction

The form of reproduction where the offspring grows specifically from the stem or root of a plant is called vegetative reproduction.

The correct form of reproduction where the offspring grow specifically from the stem or root of a plant is called vegetative reproduction. This process involves the production of new individuals from non-reproductive parts of the parent plant, such as stems, leaves, or roots. To determine the answer to this question, you can examine the characteristics and definitions of each form of reproduction listed. In this case, binary fission refers to a form of asexual reproduction in which a single organism divides into two daughter cells, fragmentation involves the breaking of a parent organism into multiple fragments that can grow into new individuals, and budding refers to the formation of new individuals as an outgrowth or bud from the parent organism. By process of elimination, we can conclude that the correct answer is vegetative reproduction.