A student is writing a paper about important themes in the book Anne of Green Gables. Which sentence would be the best way to conclude the essay?(1 point)


Prince Edward Island is a real place in Canada that many people visit each year.
Prince Edward Island is a real place in Canada that many people visit each year.

The author, Lucy Maud Montgomery, went on to write many other books.
The author, Lucy Maud Montgomery, went on to write many other books.

Anne of Green Gables is considered children's literature, though many adults enjoy reading it.
Anne of Green Gables is considered children's literature, though many adults enjoy reading it.

Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging.

Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging.

Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging.

The best way to conclude the essay would be: "Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging."

To reach this conclusion, the student should analyze the important themes in the book, such as love, belonging, and the desire for a sense of home. They can discuss how these themes resonate with readers of all ages and continue to make Anne of Green Gables a beloved piece of literature. The student should also provide evidence from the book that supports these themes and explain why they are considered universal. By doing so, the student can draw a connection between the themes and the enduring popularity of the book. This conclusion reinforces the significance of the themes and highlights their impact on readers, leaving the essay on a strong note.