Find the cube root of -729-729 (1

The cube root of -729 is -9.

So, the cube root of -729-729 is equal to -9-9, which is -18.

To find the cube root of -729, we can simply calculate the cube root of its absolute value and then apply the correct sign.

1. Calculate the cube root of 729:
∛729 = 9

2. Apply the negative sign to the cube root result:
∛-729 = -9

Therefore, the cube root of -729 is -9.

To find the cube root of -729, we need to take the cube root of the absolute value of -729 and then multiply it by -1 to account for the negative sign.

Step 1: Take the absolute value of -729.
The absolute value of -729 is 729.

Step 2: Find the cube root of the absolute value.
The cube root of 729 is 9 because 9 * 9 * 9 = 729.

Step 3: Multiply by -1.
Multiplying 9 by -1 gives us -9.

Therefore, the cube root of -729 is -9.

Please note that there seems to be a typo in your question as you mentioned "-729-729" instead of just "-729".