Find the cube root of -729: root(- 729, 3) (1 point)



9, -9



To find the cube root of -729, we use the cube root symbol (∛).

The cube root of -729 can be written as ∛(-729).

The cube root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives the original number.

In this case, the cube root of -729 is -9 because (-9) x (-9) x (-9) = -729.

Therefore, the cube root of -729 is -9.

To find the cube root of -729, you can use the cube root function on a calculator or a math software. Alternatively, you can find the cube root manually by using the fact that the cube root of a number can be found by raising that number to the power of 1/3.

So, to find the cube root of -729, you can calculate (-729)^(1/3).

By evaluating this expression, you will find that the cube root of -729 is -9.